January 2021
Hello there! Did you survive the festive season? Now it is time to gear up to get cracking again! I am so bouncy and excited to announce I have created a program called Restore Your Adrenals. I am almost finished putting together the recipes and presentation. There are 8 contact points over 4 weeks. 4 skype with powerpoint presentations, once a week, and four lives in a group that I will create for you to join and for us to discuss things. See how you are going. I am toying with 4 individual extra contact points to talk personally and to help you get a benefit from my help. I also am using the first run of this program as a beta trial. So the cost to you is far less than it will end up being. So a program just for YOU and it is cheaper than normal. Win win!
I am hoping to run this as an in person workshop too at some point. I may incorporate a few other bits and bobs in with it if it is in person. I teach bellydance and this dance is a great way to relax and unwind so may do some movement and breathing exercises. And yes men can bellydance too. I am having to slow myself down to think this through properly as my mind is so excited it sounds like a chipmunk on speed. I am THAT pumped!!
The program is basically a course to help you through finding strategies to help you help your adrenals. Post silly season is perfect for that! If you are a busy mum, dad, business owner, CEO or school teacher, then this is for you!!! Or maybe you know someone like this, and they need help!!!! Well guess what gang? I’m here to help you!! With bells on!
I did not mean to turn this blog into a selling point. It was just that I have had a wonderful day immersing myself in what I do and got all kinda passionate about it all over again. Ok so a bit of Christmas choccy added to the hyper chipmunk/meerkat stuck in traffic antics but I am only human. But seriously, I have LIVED this. I am working on myself ALL the time. I have clawed my way back from burn out and it is an ongoing process. I learnt my lesson!
My beloved naturopathy is what saved my bacon! I am a giver and so I put myself last. It is just natural to me. So, my lesson during lockdown was to listen to my body and to rest. Eat well and to not stress so much. I have always had two jobs, study, being a mum and friend and attending to people who need my help in my other business. I am a helper and healer and I give 150%. So, I ‘get’ it.
I love love love this industry and I want to infect you with how amazing it is. I truly believe in it. It is brilliant and full of beautiful and giving people. You definitely get what you pay for with Naturopaths. So now I have finished my over the top enthusiastic rant I shall pull back and say….
How are you? Have you looked at what you need to change in your life? Do you wish you had help? Well time to pick up that phone and reach out. I am happy to help! Happy January and see you next month.