September 2020
Hello everyone! I do hope you are all well and looking after yourselves? I have been so busy I almost forgot to write my monthly blog! Anyway of late I have been bingeing on online webinars and summits around the gut and its health. We have such an amazing environment in our tummies and the balance is so integral to good or bad health.
The gut is what I call the gateway into the body. It takes in food and turns it into fuel and then eliminates and processes waste. We eliminate toxins and food waste and if our bowels don’t move fast enough then it causes those toxins to back up. Our gut microbiota or the bacteria in our gut helps with creation of energy from short chain fatty acids (from fibrous foods), they create a feedback messaging system between the gut and the brain and also the immune system. Which is around 70% of it in our gut.
Up to 95% of our serotonin is made in the gut and the building blocks of that comes from the food we eat. In particular the tryptophan containing foods such as turkey. So our nervous system and neurotransmitters need nourishment and if our gut flora is out of whack, or has the wrong kind of bacteria then these food based building blocks do not get assimilated.
We have to eat as whole food as we can and avoid the prepackaged foods that are so common. So many times it comes from our diet. I am a great believer it is ok now and then to have a treat, however, keep the bulk of the diet as whole food as possible. A good way is salads in spring and summer. In winter bone broths, soups, stews/casseroles, curries made from scratch with turmeric, roast vegetables and meat. Plenty of filtered (preferably) water and herbal teas. Avoid alcohol and coffee if possible.
If you are eating a lot of sugar also, it is wise to desist. The bad bacteria as well as hidden candida flourish on sugar. Sugar also encourages free radical in the body and inflammation. So avoid sugar and simple carbohydrates if possible.
One thing I have found, and it has change my own food buying habits, is that wheat flour is best as organic as it is less likely to have been sprayed with glyphosate. This chemical (Round up) is a hidden culprit in gluten intolerance like symptoms. Organic fruit and vegetables are so full of nutrition and also have not been sprayed are really good at feeding the right bacteria. Organic free range eggs and chicken are better for you and taste much nicer. Grass fed beef is better also as it has the right fats in it. Same with milk and cheese. However, everything in moderation.
Eating well and even the way we eat, slowly and mindfully, can improve our health and digestion. Having a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar 10 minutes before a meal helps digestion. However, try to avoid too much contact with dental enamel and if you have a histamine issue.
Doing some of these things are a good start to helping our gut flora. Good quality yoghurt, sauerkraut and kimchi are beneficial. Having foods high in vitamins C, A, E, zinc, magnesium, Bs, fibre, nuts and seeds (be careful in IBD), and omega fatty acids for cellular integrity, and so much more. Eating a rainbow in other words.
Anyway, that’s my two cents worth for the month. If you would like to know more then drop me a line on my facebook page Lisa Hodgson Naturopath and I will endeavour to reply as soon as possible. Have a great month and see you next time.